30/05/73 Avyakt BapDada Revised: 15/08/94
Do all of you consider yourselves to be the mahavirs of the Pandav Army? To be a mahavir means to consider yourself to be powerful. So, do you consider yourselves to be powerful? Have you become those who give power to the weak souls who come in front of you, or are you still filling yourself with power? Are you the best owers or the ones who are still taking? Have you attained the inheritance of all the powers or do you still have to attain it? Is it still the time to attain this for yourself or the time to inspire others to attain? Is this the time for it to take the effort of others in order for you to achieve greatness? If, until the end, you continue to take any type of service in any way from others, then when would you give the return of that service in the future? Is the future the time to experience there ward or the time to give the return fruit? Whilst keeping all these things in the intellect, check yourself: what will your final part be and what will your future be? When you become a bestower who donates to all souls the treasures received from the Father at this time; when you give thirsty and desperate souls the donation of life through your own powers; when you become a bestower of blessings through the blessings you have received and bring those souls close to the Father and into a relationship with the Father, only then will the sanskars of being a bestower here enable you to claim the royal status, that is, only then will you fill yourself with the sanskars of being a bestower for the future twenty觔ne births. Why is this confluence age called the most auspicious confluence age or the most elevatedage? Because, it is at this time that the soul is filled like a record with every type of greatness of every religion,kingdom, elevated sanskars, elevated relationships and elevated virtues. You are filled with the sanskars of both theascending and descending stages of the eighty苯our births at this time. Now is the time for recording everything.
When a physical record is being recorded, so much attention is paid. Those people also pay attention to three things.What are those three things? They pay attention to the atmosphere, their consciousness and their words. If theirconsciousness is not stable, if they do not concentrate, then there isn't the sweetness in their words to attract others.They stabilise themselves in the stage of the type of song they are going to sing. If, when singing a sad song, they donot create a sad consciousness, then those who hear the song would not enjoy it. When even those who sing or recordthese lokik songs pay so much attention, then do you, who fill the unlimited record, who fill the record for the wholekalpa, pay attention to all these things at all times? Do you have the attention that the record is being recorded atevery second? Do you pay this much attention? If, whilst recording, you become lazy (aalasya) or lose enthusiasm(oolaas), then what would the record be like? Does anyone become lazy whilst recording? So when you arerecording, do you also become lazy or do you constantly maintain your enthusiasm? Do you, as a detached observer,sometimes look to see what you have recorded in your record throughout the whole day?
Just as you first record a tape and then you listen to it to see how it has been recorded, and whether it is all right ornot, in the same way, do you look at this as a detached observer? What do you feel when you see it? Do you like it;are you happy that you have filled it accurately? Whilst looking at yourself, do you think that you have to record iteven better than this? You see the result, do you not? Those who think that they check themselves daily as adetached observer, those who never miss checking themselves, raise your hand. (A few raised their hand.) Have younot yet become checkers? How can those who have not become checkers become makers? Do you forget this? Yes,it is possible that there can be a difference in the time of checking, but it is not possible that you should forget. Whydo you forget to check the timetable of the soul that you fixed at amrit vela? Do you not know how to fix it? Do youknow how to fix the timetable of the soul? This is a very common matter.
If you have forgotten this common discipline, it proves that, even now, the soul is very weak. Will those who are notable to conduct themselves according to the Godly disciplines be able to rule the lawful kingdom of the world,according to the laws of the world? How can those who have not claimed the confluence苔ged ruling status claim the future ruling status?
Who are the teachers of this gathering? Who is responsible for such a low result? Are the teachers who have comecheckers themselves? None of you is raising your hand with that courage. What would happen if the world war wereto break out now? (Someone replied that they would all become alert at that time.) If you become alert at that time,what is that called? What would you call a person who moves along on the basis of the elements or externalsituations? Time is also an element. So, if a person were to move along on the basis of the elements, would he becalled someone who has passed with honour? What would you call those who continue to move along whilst beingpushed by time? Have you accepted that you will be those who only move along with a push? The present gatheringis very weak. The majority of you are weak. Achcha, even so, the past is the past. However, you can still transformyourselves now. There is very little time left now. Now, BapDada and the elevated co觔perative souls can make youeffort衫aking souls move forward by giving you a thousand苯old return of co觔peration, support, love and by givingyou power in your relationships. However, after a short time, all these things, that is, your receiving a lift will alsostop. This is why you can take whatever you wish now. Then later, the love of the Father's form will change and Hewill take on the form of the Supreme Judge.
No matter how loving and close a relationship someone has with a judge may be, the law is the law. At present, it isthe time of love, but it will then be the time of law. Then, at that time, you will not be able to receive a lift. Now isthe time of attainment, but after a short time, the time of attainment will change into the time of repentance. So, willyou awaken at that time? BapDada still says to all the children: Create a reward for a long time in just a short time.Do not become careless whilst waiting for time. Always have the awareness that your every action is the basis of therecording of your record of eighty苯our births. Set your attitude, your atmosphere and your words in an accurate way. Just as those people create an atmosphere, in the same way, you should also make your atmosphere elevated with thepower of introspection. Only when you make your consciousness elevated and you fill your words with significanceand tact will you be able to change the result. You have to change it, do you not? Or, do you agree that you shouldkeep it just as it is? You issue a great challenge that you will also change the five elements. So without becoming achecker, how can you become a maker? Your complaints should now be terminated. Those who feel that thisweakness of theirs should now be finished and should not return, raise your hand. Who is responsible for this?(Someone replied Didi and someone replied BapDada.) If BapDada does something, BapDada receives the return ofit. At the time of doing, should it be BapDada? And what about the time of receiving? You should only renouncedoing something if you are also going to renounce the attainment of the future status. However, you cannot do thatbecause you do not belong to the land of mukti. Each one has to fulfil his own responsibility. If you think that Didi,Dadi or your teacher is responsible, it proves that you want to become their subjects in the future, that you do notwish to become independent kings. These are also the sanskars of being dependent, are they not? Those who remaindependent cannot claim all rights. They are not able to claim the fortune of the kingdom of the world. This is whythose who are responsible for the self are able to take the responsibility for the whole world and so become the worldemperors. Are you not even able to bring benefit to your own self whilst being the children of the Father who is the World Benefactor? Does this seem right? This sign that you are showing the Father, the consequences of karma, is like that of someone who is a millionaire and yet is not able to experience happiness worth even a penny.
So, if you are the masters of the treasure of all powers, but you are not able to use a little power for your own self,then what would you call this? Is this the sign of Brahmins of the confluence age? At present, do you belong to theconfluence age, or have you put one foot in the iron age, thinking that if you are not able to stay in the confluence age,then there is still a margin left for you to go away? This is not the sign of the confluence age. This is why you haveto become intense effort衫akers from now on and have the determined thought that you have to do this and you haveto become this. If you think that you will do it at some point in the future and create plans at that time, this is not thesign of an intense effort衫aker. What plans will you create? Are they not already created? Those who aretrikaldarshi will not take time to create plans because all the three aspects of time are clear to them. Now create sucha fast speed that you are able to accomplish all tasks within a second. Only those with a fast speed will attainsalvation. Achcha.
To such souls for whom there is hope that they will put BapDada's elevated thoughts into practice; to those whocheck their every thought, action and word; to the world苑enefactor and world負ransformer souls who bring benefit tothemselves and to the whole world at every second and in every thought, BapDada's love, remembrances andnamaste.
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